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LCC Gwybodaeth Ariannol/ LCC Financial Information

Yn y Cyfarfod Blynyddol ar 12 Mai 2022, penderfynodd Cyngor Cymuned Llangammarch ei fod yn gymwys ar gyfer Pŵer Cymhwysedd Cyffredinol, ar ôl bodloni'r meini prawf yn unol â Deddf Llywodraeth Leol ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2021

At the Annual Meeting on the 12th May 2022, Llangammarch Community Council resolved that it was eligible for General Power Of Competence, having met the criteria according to the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021

Audit Information - Financial Year 2023-2024

2023-2024 Annual Governance and Audit Return

This includes:

The Statement of Accounts

Internal Auditor's Report

March 2024 Bank Statement

Additional Information Required by Welsh Audit

Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector's Rights

Governance Activity 2023-2024

Audit Information - Financial Year 2022-2023

Notice of conclusion of Audit

The whole of the

2022-2023 Annual Governance and Audit Return

This includes:

The Statement of Accounts

Internal Auditor's Report

March 2023 Bank Statement

Additional Information Required by Welsh Audit

Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector's Rights

Governance Activity 2022-2023 

Audit Information - Financial Year 2021-2022*

*2021-2022 Audit was carried out under the new Welsh Audit 3-year cycle. This comprised full physical inspection of all documents.

the following two years, the audits will be basic.  


Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector's Rights

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021-22

Statement of Accounts 2021-2022

March 31 2022 Bank Statement

Internal Auditor's Report

2021-2022 Annual Governance and Audit Return

2021-2022 Audit Return signed by Welsh Audit

Governance Record 2021-2022

Lle mae eich arian yn mynd?

Where does your money go?

2024-25 Praesept/Precept

Gosodwyd y praesept eleni ar £11,800 ac mae'n cynnwys

This year's precept was held at £11,800 and comprises:

Clerk salary & training:              4300

Hall Rent (meetings)                   220

Office Services                            500

Councillor Training                      200

Councillor Allowances               1600

Services                                    1400

(Welsh Audit, Insurance, OVW, SLCC)                

Hall Grants                                  800

Donations                                    350

Defibrillator maintenance            300

Toilets & Cleaner                       3850

Plants                                          400

Asset Maintenance                      400

Events                                         700

Playground inspection etc           180

Total                                       £15200

Bursaries                                   £200

Virement from reserves           £3200


        £15200-£3400 = £11,800


Datganiad o Daliadau Cynghorwyr
Declaration of Councillors' Payments




Your Rights in Wales :

Council Accounts

Click here for the pdf:

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